Eclipse season returns on October 25th, which is usually a time when significant events take place that transforms the collective, as a whole.
With Venus in Scorpio conjunct with the New Moon Solar Eclipse, this eclipse will be intense, to say the least. Because of the blend of Scorpio and Venus, you may find yourself experiencing events that center around matters of trust and betrayal. Venus is in her ‘fall’ when she is in Scorpio, and in the midst of the eclipse, her influence will be remarkable! Being in her ’fall’ means that Venus is in the depths of the soul while she’s in the territory of Scorpio, so her normally sunny disposition falls away, and she is much more serious in this sign bringing up themes of loyalty and injustice from the dark depths of Scorpio.
On an individual level, this eclipse may correspond with a discovery of who is worthy of our trust, and who isn’t. Especially when it comes to our own inner work around themes of trusting ourselves, as well as betraying ourselves. This can be a very beneficial time for those of us who embrace deep inner work and want these insights to come to light in our awareness. This eclipse energy may help us realize our inner patterns of trust and betrayal so we can heal them, transform them, or possibly reinforce them if they are actually operating in healthy ways. We may also be asked to prove our own trustworthiness and loyalty to those we love, admire, and respect – which for many of us will be a wonderful opportunity to support and serve our loved ones in their time of need.
Think back to 9 years ago, and contemplate if any major life events happened for you at that time. This eclipse will most likely repeat those themes again in some way as it aims to bring you deeper healing around those themes. Now think back to 18 years ago, as this eclipse will echo themes from that year as well. It aims to bring some sort of closure or healing around those events so watch for clues or parallels that arise in your life during this eclipse season, which can last for the next 6 months.
On a collective level, information may come to light and we may discover we now trust those we previously did not trust. If you find this eclipse stirs up deeply unsettling themes on a collective level that you are having trouble accepting, do not neglect your self-care in your personal daily life. This is not a time to minimize the importance of self-care, as that will compound your stress and leave you depleted. Spiritually speaking, this will be a time to value your well-being and self-care as a top priority, especially if the collective’s suffering is compounding your personal stress levels. Remember, to serve the well-being of the collective you must also serve your own health and well-being!

Le Ann is a doctoral-level Depth Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Healer, Soul-oriented Spiritual Counselor, and Astrologer. She offers Spiritual Counseling and Oracular Readings. Visit her Instagram page by clicking here.