On September 5 Venus entered Virgo inviting us to focus on acts of service and cleaning up any physical, mental, emotional, or financial ‘messes’ in our lives by organizing our daily lives around grounded practical and productive goals. With Venus in Virgo, the love language of the month is ‘acts of service’.
Mars will enter the shadow degree of the upcoming Mars retrograde. This means September events will foreshadow the 8-month Mars retrograde that technically starts next month, on October 31. Mars will stay in Gemini for 8 months – until March 25th, so whatever conflicts appear in September will product an 8-month ‘issue’ or ‘story line’ that will resolve in the Spring.
Here's some advice for this aspect of the month:
Watch your communication styles, keeping your eye on a sharp tongue. You might experience yourself or other people snapping at each other at a higher frequency than usual.
On the positive side, this is a time for infusing humor into your conversations to de-escalate conflicts.
Mars in Gemini enjoys debates and opinionated energy, so learn to communicate or debate this month and over the next 8 months in respectful ways to avoid long term trouble in your relationships or with people in general.
On September 9, just before the Full Moon in Pisces, Mercury turns retrograde in Libra until October 2. Mercury will also opposite Juniper, so the retrograde is calling us to embrace Jupiterian values of respecting other people’s point of view while honoring your own, and keeping harmony, otherwise it could become a problem this month and could last the entire Mars cycle (Mars in Gemini) for 8 months.
As usual, be mindful of misunderstandings, travel and electronic disruptions, brain fog and anxiety.
Advice for Mercury Retrograde:
A remedy to deal with this Mercury retrograde and Mars/Gemini energy is having a sense of humor when conflicts arise; leaning on the Venus of Virgo’s energy that supports forgiveness and being in service to grant people a graceful recovery from making mistakes and blunders.
Put this month’s crystal to good use during this retrograde as Fluorite can help to remove stress and enhance memory and focus. Other great crystals for Mercury Retrograde are Amethyst to balance energies; Tigers Eye for grounding and Black Tourmaline for transmuting negative energies.
Essential Oils that can help you during this time are Cedarwood for grounding; Bergamot to open your heart and Lemon for communication.
The Full Moon in Pisces will conjunct Neptune on September 10. It’s a great time for spiritual activities and leaning into ‘going with the flow’. You might experience a desire or opening for emotional connections as this full moon energy may flood you with a romantic desire to merge with another – which will help to balance the retrograde energies. Be sure to watch your dreams for inspirational messages from your deeper, higher self. During this Full Moon focus on releasing anything that been keeping you stuck in overmanaging the details of your life or leaning into trusting the timing of things that are out of your control.
The New Moon in Libra is on September 25. The sun, moon, Mercury, and Venus will join together all opposing Jupiter, making this a great time to smooth over any conflicts that happened earlier in the month. Communicating from a place of forgiveness, hope and expansive positivity will bring more peace and love into your relationships. This is an ideal time to plan concrete steps toward making your dreams come true – this plan will be very successful when created under this New Moon energy.

Le Ann is a doctoral-level Depth Psychologist, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master, Certified Crystal Healer, Soul-oriented Spiritual Counselor, and Astrologer. She offers Spiritual Counseling and Oracular Readings. Visit her Instagram page by clicking here.